Saturday, December 12, 2009

Teenager in the house!

So today is a big day in my house. It is official. I have a bonified teenager in the house now. In fact she is downstairs with three of her friends for the birthday sleepover. Wow! I said I would never do that again! We had a sleep over party a few years back, and it was quite a painful experience with one of the girls going home at midnight, I swore I would never do it again. Well here I am, doing it again. Have I mentioned that there is a six year old fast asleep on the couch. He must be moved because my plan is for me to sleep on the couch!

So blogging is new to me. Anybody that knows about me can clearly say that I am technologically challenged to say the very least! Well, how about this? Thanks to my friends Emily and Dee Ann I have arrived into the 21st century finally! Hopefully I can keep up and keep you entertained in the process!

1 comment:

  1. Yah for you my friend! If you would have told me a month ago you would have a blog I would have called you a liar!! Good job!!Hope the sleep over went well!
