Tuesday, December 22, 2009

Christmas Cactus~ A story about Love

This will be the 6th Christmas without my mom. She always made Christmas a BIG deal. She was always so creative and thoughtful and concise with her intent of gift giving. She was never a rich woman, but always rich with love and tenderness. We baked, planned the meal, and she would always spend Christmas Eve night at our house.

The Christmas before she died, (she died on her birthday January 7th the following year) I had purchased two Christmas cactus's. One for her, and one for me. They were pathetic 4" pots of neglected plants that had been picked through at Lowes, but I thought "Oh I bet that mom can at least keep hers alive, and at that time I was a plant killer and figured I would give it a shot too)

Anyway, when going through her things and getting her house in order I gave my brother and his wife all of her plants except her pathetic Christmas Cactus.

I planted our two cactus in the same pot, and low and behold the following Christmas it bloomed. It has bloomed every Christmas sense, and I have always just thought it was my moms way of coming to hug me at Christmas time and to let me know that she will always be with me in memories and spirit.

Well, since changing jobs this year I brought the cactus home and have seriously neglected it. A couple of weeks ago I saw it and seriously had a breakdown because I was sure it was not going to bloom this year. I felt overwhelmingly sad, and angry that I was so selfish as to not even take care of stupid plant.

Well last night, I noticed that there are three perfect buds coming on and it will be blooming by Christmas! I think this is the Christmas spirit I have been wishing for! Thank you mom!

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