Saturday, March 27, 2010

Season of Change

Season of Change~

Yes, spring is on the horizon, and with any season change is in store. Change the wardrobe, move the furniture around, change your hair style and what not. I need to make a few a more changes this season. I need to change how I approach my life. I need to eat well, sleep well, be well. I need a stronger body, mind and spirit connection. I love this time of year for that very reason. There is nothing more spiritual to me than becoming one with the earth. My Zen is the dirt. Moving the dirt around, looking for signs of life from the effort of my labor the spring before. When I see the dirt under my nails, and feel the ache in my muscles while noticing how the tulips, daffodil's, and iris's are working their way up through the earth it gives me a mighty sense of satisfaction and joy.

Yes, Joy. Wow. Joy. That is what I need this season of change is more joy. Nick brings me joy. Today we were talking about how he was born in my heart. He then inquired as to if Chris and Hannah were born in my heart too, and that I must somehow have three hearts. He said he is lucky to have a mom like me. That is joy. He said he wishes my eyes were like a rainbow, but if they were just one green and one blue that would be okay too. I said "what about two green ones?", and he said, "they are so pretty like you mom". That is joy.

Chris finished up what may very well be his last national debate tournament's this week. He has done an outstanding job. He text ed me every step of the way: 2-0/2 or 5-2/7 meaning his win/loss and point situation. Each text ended with "I love you". This is joy.

Hannah is such a sweet spirit. This is joy. She needs me and depends on me for guidance. She is kind and sensitive, yet spirited and carefree while trying to be strong and tough, but in reality is still just a child. She brings me joy.

My season of change reminds me to be in the moment, to experience the joy that is so rich in my world, and to not take for granted that it will all be there tomorrow. As we know, in the blink of an eye our world can change.

Life is good.