Wednesday, January 27, 2010

The Truth about Giants

So here is the truth about giants.
Nick: mom giants are huge
Mom: yes they are, they are bigger than houses

Nick: Giants live in the sky with God
Mom: ummmm ok

Nick: Giants are up all night, and sleep all day, a what that called?
Mom: Really, how do you know this?, it's called nocturnal

Nick: Giants don't want no one to see them, that is why they are up all night and sleep all day, just like Santa Claus. Giants are real, just like Santa Claus!
Mom: Well who would have known?

Nick: I smart, and Giants play with me.!

hmmmmmm......... there you have it, the truth about giants!


  1. This is stinking adorable. You should have a video camera rolling at all times.
